Spiritual Charity

Helping others to live the chosen life of Christ.
Through our  missions, parishes, houses of prayer, and retreat centres 

Intellectual Charity

Developing the gift of our intellect-  the mind through our colleges, schools, centres of philosophy, theology, and spirituality. 

Temporal Charity

Strive for the top and you’ll reach it. That’s our motto, and our experience. We’ll work our hardest so that your most challenging goals, every time. 

Discerning a Vocation with the Institute of Charity (The Rosminians)

There is a tendency to think that the word “vocation” refers only to young people. And indeed, young people are called, and we address each one of them. However, the same LORD who called the young JOHN to be His disciple also called the more mature PETER. The call can take place at any stage of one’s life, and we invite also adults and more mature people to respond to God’s call.

If you are interested, whether young or middle aged or a more mature person, please get in touch with us. You will be welcomed with open arms.

Rosmini wrote to Father Pietro Rigler regarding the contemplative life being a preparation for the active life, as follows:

"We have always to bear in mind that our state of contemplation must never be a state of inertia. Rather it is a state of preparation in which we build up our fervour, our generosity, and grow in grace so that we shall be ready for and zealous in the works to which the Lord may call us. We have to remain hidden, like lions in their den, while we give ourselves to contemplation in our houses we must be like drawn bows, like a vessel of corked wine, a force contained until the moment when it can burst out with all the greater power."

Preparing candidates for a Rosminian Vocation

  • Stage 1 - Postulancy

    A time of enquiry, discernment and orientation in the spirit.

  • Stage 2 - Novitiate

    2 Years of community living. Getting to know the community, the charisms and the way of charity that defines the Rosminian way of life.

  • Stage 3 - First Vows

    Entering a stage which prepares the candidate for a direction course of study and preparation for ministry.

Vocations Enquiry
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"How sweet it is to speak with God, to be satisfied in him alone remember, to long for, to gaze on God know God, to be in love with God. dedicate and consecrate oneself to God please God alone, to suffer for God rejoice in God for one's sole contentment Oh God! What joy and sweetness there is in God! Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God!..."

 Antonio Rosmini

Find out about a vocation as an Ascribed member  - More Here


The Rosminian Fathers, Brothers, and Sisters have been involved in all kinds of activities, from teaching in schools and Colleges, to caring for the lepers and the sick in Tanzania, from working in parishes to running Retreat Centres. There is no limit to the kind of work Divine Providence may call them to do. Like the young Samuel, they are always ready to say: “Here I am, Lord”; or like JESUS, they can say: “I have come to do the Will of my Father”, or, “My food is to do the Will of my Father in Heaven”.

It is a splendid vocation, since it opens the heart to universal charity, without restrictions, without limitations. If God calls, He will provide the means. Therefore, we abandon ourselves entirely in the hands of Divine Providence. loving God with all our might, and loving all our brothers and sisters in the world, thus fulfilling the Commandment of Love: Love God, love thy neighbour.

This is the reason why vocation to the Institute of Charity or to the Sisters of Providence is open to everyone. Everyone can be certain about his/her vocation, since the Lord addressed His invitation to everyone when He said: “If you wish to be perfect, sell all that you have and follow Me”.
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