By Rosminians Cardiff
August 7, 2020
Three members of the Institute of Charity arrived in England. In 1847 the order was asked to take charge of Newport, and in 1854 it also took charge of Cardiff. Background St Peter's Parish, Roath, Cardiff is one of the oldest Catholic parishes. The Rosminian Fathers responded to Bishop Browns plea to send some priests from Newport (begun in 1847) to Cardiff in 1854. All of Cardiff and surrounds were entrusted to the Rosminians. They were the priests until 1885 or so. In 1881 there were 10,000 Catholics in Cardiff, one third of the population. Fr Fortunatus Signini was keen to build St Peters 1854 to 1862. Fr Stephen Bruno spent all his priestly ministry in Cardiff. Fr Gastaldi and Fr Costa joined them. Fr Signini put all his efforts into building Catholic Schools. From street collections among Catholics he was able to begin schools and then develop other parishes such as St Patricks and St Marys. Three Rosminian Sisters arrive in 1856 and looked after their first school in David Street. The beginning of a long successful mission to many schools in Cardiff. The Parish of St Peter's today is a thriving community, truly international in membership. Being very central to the city it ministers to an established older community as well as a younger student group and young families, many of whom have come from overseas. It has devotional groups, charitable outreach through the St Vincent de Paul and Justice group, musicians, singers, altar servers, the St Peter's Rugby Club, scouts and brownies. The Parish Council has oversight of various activities. For the year 2000 an enhanced peal of bells was installed and a full redecoration of the interior of the church. More recently, 2006, a new Swiss Spath organ was donated. In 2007 many parishioners formed a group to travel to Novara, Italy for the Beatification of Father Antonio Rosmini. 2010 saw the 150th Anniversary of the first Mass at St Peters. In 2020 the Citizen's group was influential in assisting a Syrian refugee family to settle in the city. The Rosminian community comprises four members. Parish Priests Fr. Chris Fuse, Fr. Aji Alphonse, Fr. Michael McCarthy, Fr. Jim McKnight Deacon Mike Randell St Peters Catholic Church St. Peter's Presbytery, St Peter's Street, Roath, Cardiff, CF24 3BA