The Conference of Religious of England and Wales published a basic set of guidelines for Religious called Integrity in Ministry. The Rosminian Community has adopted the contents of this important publication as a part of its Safeguarding policy. Each member of the Community has his own copy of the book for personal study and reference. In addition to this we continue to be guided by the safeguarding division of the RLGs (Religious Life Groups)
In November 2020, the Church commissioned an independent review into its safeguarding work and structures. One of the areas recommended was a specialist organisation to provide safeguarding support for Religious Life Groups (RLGs). The RLSS is this specialist provision and has been delivering services to nearly 200 RLGs from 2nd February 2022.
The RLSS will continue to put victims/survivors at the heart of our work, to empower them and aid them to feel heard. We will continue to make the protection of all people our key safeguarding message and we will of course keep pushing for continuous and demonstrable improvement in all areas of safeguarding. In short we are committed to continuing to address the many challenges to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults for the Catholic Church identified by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.
And Anthony Furlong is our safeguarding officer and his contact details are +44 7913 753382
The CSSA holds a regulatory function extending to all dioceses and Religious Life Groups. It monitors compliance by Church bodies with the safeguarding standards adopted by the Church, using its own independent audit and review function and is empowered to undertake its role as a regulator through the freely entered into contractual relationships between it and the Church bodies it provides a service to. Through this, the CSSA has the powers to ensure that each Church body partnered with it, is complying with the published standards.
These powers include:
In addition to its regulatory work, the CSSA offers a number of other services. These include:
Cardinal Vincent Nicholls - Published document on Safeguarding within the Catholic Church.
Have you or someone you know experienced abuse within the Catholic Church? If so, then this is are committment to you
The Catholic Church speaking our against Domestic Violence
A leaflet which outlines agreed procedures and the steps necessary, when allegations have been made against a person in a position of trust.