Be a part of the Rosminian Community


Becoming an Ascribed Member is the result of wanting to seek perfection together with other Christians (religious and lay people alike), using the means provided by the Church and, in the Church, by the Institute of Charity in particular.

Anyone wishing to become an Ascribed can apply, usually to a Rosminian religious or an Ascribed member. He/she will have to go through a period of "first probation", lasting about 6 months during which ascription will be explained and all the duties and the rewards for being an ascribed. The end is always the same: "You must be perfect like your Father in heaven is perfect", one must seek to become a better person, a better Catholic every day by doing perfectly all our duties and by a life of prayer, with the help of other like-minded persons.

General Letter & News from Rome

Rosmini and Ascribed Members

Those who seek ascription are usually Christians who have come to know the Rosminians and/or the spirituality of Blessed Antonio Rosmini. It is up to the individual to seek, in prayer, admission to the Ascription, knowing that Ascription will make the person a member of the Institute of Charity, part of the Rosminian Family world-wide.

Fr Founder had earlier written to Ambrose Phillips in England, "I am sending you by Gentili the letter of ascription to the Institute, the seal of charity which unites us. Who knows whether it may not please God to make our ascribed society do great good in England! I have a presentiment it will be so; it appears to me to be so well adapted to the needs of your nation. I even think it is from your nation that this society will spread to other nations and draw together in the closest union of body and soul the most fervent disciples of Christ throughout the world". 4 Ascribed Members in New Zealand and the few in Australia will understand the relevance of these words! For me, these early letters of the Founder radiate an optimism and a longing for the spread of the Church inspired by his basic principle that of ourselves we can nothing but that in God anything can happen!


Rosmini considered them an integral part of the Institute /Society, another and privileged means of achieving the aims of his Congregation. 

The Ascribed members of the Institute of Charity (Rosminians) from the very beginning were seen as unique contributory parts of Rosmini's vision for the Charism of Charity. 

An organised body of good Christians - Lay people with a passion for Christ, and a zeal for Charity; this was considered very healthy, and a privileged means for achieving the vision outlined within the constitution.
For those considering a life as an Ascribed member, you are very welcome to contact our Vocations department for more information"

Vocations Enquiry
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