Important documents
Pope Benedict - Recognises the Cause
Rosmini - Vatican II
The 5 Wounds
Synopsis - Maxims of Christian Perfection
Introduction to Antonio Rosmini - Biography
Pope Benedict XV1 bestows title "venerable" on Antoni Rosmini
Update from the vatican . June 2007
The Ceremony of Beatification
Decree on the Miracle
Chronology of the Cause
Sister Lodivica
Material by Anthony Dewhurst
Augustine, Ignatius and Rosmini: An Introduction
Ignatius and Antonio Rosmini
The Rosminian Constitutions and the Constitutions of St Ignatius
The Rules of the Society of Jesus and the Institute of Charity
Some Topics of Rosminian Theology
A Review of Rosminian Literature in English
Rosmini's Teaching on Indifference
Rosmini’s Teaching on Justice
Rosmini’s Theory of Knowledge
Materials Translated by the Rosminian Community
By Anthony Dewhirst
Rosmini’s Contribution to the Definition of the Immaculate Conception
The Crtical Edition of the Works of Rosmini
(Umberto Muratore)
A Sketch of the Intellectual Work of Remo Bessero Belti (Domenico Mariani)
Rosmini and Augustine (Pier Paolo Ottonello)
The Real Rosmini - A Man of Dialogue - Nave
A Bishop’s Reaction to reading the "Five Wounds of the Church" (Martini)
No Longer a Troublesome Prophet (Riva)
Riva Appreciations (Bertani - Maritati/Condo)
Rosmini, a Prophet for the third Millennium?
Clemente Emilio Riva (1922-1999) (Domenico Mariani)
Monsignor Lorenzo Gastaldi - (1815-1883)
(Domenico Mariani)
Monsignor Francisco Cardozo Ayres - (1821-1870)
(Domenico Mariani)
Father Giambattista Zantedeschii
(Domenico Mariani)
Father Giovanni Gaddo
(Domenico Mariani)
Father Giuseppe Bozzetti
(Domenico Mariani)
Father Bernardino Balsari Balsari
(Domenico Mariani)
A Pioneer from Biella in USA (Fr. Joseph Costa)
(Domenico Mariani)
By Chris Fuse
Monsignor Eugene Arthurs (1916-1978)
(Domenico Mariani)
Description Title
The Story of Monte Calvario - J. Anthony Dewhirst
A Short History of the Papacy 1760 - 1850
(Nigel Cave)
Understanding the Signs of the New Times
(M. Hegarty)
A Background to Italy in the Time of Rosmini 1790 - 185
(Nigel Cave)
Necrology - (compressed version below)
Reflections on the Ascribed Members of the Institute - Hopes for the Future
(J A Dewhirst)
Works on and about Rosmini Listed - J A Dewhirst
The Rosminan Sisters of Providence
Sr. Maria Bruna Ferretti1 - (Ed. J. A. D).
Reflections on the Feast of the Cell (20th February) - Msgr Charles E. Drennan
Understanding the Signs of the New Times ( M. Hegarty) - MS Publisher
Necrology - Word format
Reflections on the Indissolubility of Marriage and Intolerable Marriage Situations
History and Present Teaching - J A Dewhirst Word format
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