Witness is a major contribution to parish catechesis and may well become a standard reference work for the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is a truly comprehensive study guide. It contains material both for catechists and candidates and so offers a much fuller presentation of key aspects of our Catholic faith than is usually given to young people. Catechists can either select material for detailed study and leave the rest for private reading, or they may prefer to use the suggested outline programme in the Appendix.
Witness is a remarkable compilation of information, doctrine and devotion and a valuable resource for catechists, candidates and clergy alike. It will appeal to parish catechists who are often short of time and may not always have access to resource material; it will appeal to candidates as it revisits their Catholic faith with a fresh and thoughtful approach. It will appeal to busy clergy who seek a reliable compendium of Catholic doctrine for this important sacrament
The subject for each session is shown at the head of the page and doctrinal points are clearly presented. Further background notes and related topics are given in smaller print. Those who are involved in the R.C.I.A. programme, as well as parish faith study groups will also find in these pages material for reflection and discussion.
Witness is in full colour throughout. The imaginative layout makes frequent use of Scripture and the Catholic Catechism together with supplementary information for further reading. There is generous coverage of the Eucharist and the Sacraments of Initiation and Reconciliation. There is a thorough presentation of the Holy Spirit, the Creed, Prayer, Our Blessed Lady and of the Confirmation Liturgies, as well as a generous reference section on things we see in church.
Imgainative colourful design.
Emphasis on Sacred Scripture and Church Teaching.
Scripture texts included for ready reference.
Clear presentation of doctrinal material.
Cross References to the Catholic Catechism.
Informative background material.
Useful summaries of Questions and Answers.
Comprehensive section on things we see in church.
Generous treatment of related topics.
Helpful selection of Catholic web sites for further study.
Heart and Voice Publications
2008 ISBN 978-0-9559159 -0-1
96 pages - Special Introductory price £15.00.