Heart and Voice Publications

Heart and Voice Publications produces church music and Catholic catechetical material written by Eugene Monaghan, a Rosminian priest presently working in South Wales. It has a twofold aim: to provide attractive liturgical music for parish use, with clear layout, realistic vocal range and modest accompaniment, and .to publish authentic Catholic doctrine for parish catechists.

Mass Music

Funeral Psalms

Holy Week

Our Lady

Holy Communion



More about Heart and Voice Communications

Heart and Voice Publications is a small, private publishing venture, under the trusteeship of the Institute of Charity, Registered Charity no. 222508. It takes its name from its first successful publication, a series of three books of responsorial psalms, entitled With Heart and Voice, which first appeared in 1988.


Sunday and Psalms 

With Heart and Voice is a unique collection of musical settings for the complete three year liturgical cycle; it has been available since 1990. Since the first book appeared in 1988, these settings, both through- composed and psalm tones, are still used in many parishes in the U.K. and overseas.


With Heart and Voice differs from other collections of psalm-settings because they do not alter the text of the lectionary in any way; there is no paraphrasing, repetition or versification of the sacred text. They are also convenient to use, with the words and music for each day's Liturgy of the Word clearly laid out on a two page spread - good news for singers and accompanists alike. This is attractive music that caters realistically for the average parish music group - often with limited rehearsal time, fluctuating attendance and modest vocal resources. The congregational responses are tuneful and may usually be remembered after a single hearing.

Sunday Psalms - B

Sunday Psalms - B

The accompaniment too will rarely stretch even the most reluctant of organists. All the music can be played quite adequately on one manual. The registration should be kept light and clear throughout; the music needs to flow without ever rushing the sacred text. Time signatures should be interpreted to allow sufficient flexibility needed by the singer(s) in order to shape the musical phrase. The accompaniment should support and never dominate the singing. It is the Word of God that matters.


The through-composed psalm settings are most effective when led by a single cantor, preferably from the sanctuary facing the people. The basic psalm tones work well when led by a small group.

Sunday Psalms C

With Heart and Voice contains music of charming simplicity, of reflective calm, of joyful exultation and much indeed of considerable beauty. The simple dignity of the melodies - whether quasi modal or more romantic in style (with an occasional hint of Celtic lyricism) - has an instant appeal which often makes listeners smile - very useful on a damp Sunday morning!


With Heart and Voice is also an ideal source when choosing a psalm for a particular occasion - for advent and Lenten penitential services, or maybe a wedding or harvest thanksgiving.

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Mass Music

 Following the success of his Responsorial Psalms, Eugene Monaghan returned to print with a series of four booklets, each of which focuses on music for specific liturgical celebrations. With Thanks and Praise is the first in this series. A fifth volume of chants for Eucharistic Worship will complete the series


Congregations will enjoy singing this attractive music, with three contrasting settings of the Lord have mercy, Glory to God, Holy, holy, holy, Eucharistic Acclamations and Lamb of God.

Further scope for the choir or singing group is provided in a simple but effective setting of the Our Father and three short motets - Lord, make us Holy; 0 Lord, I am not worthy; and Domine, non sum dignus.

Melody lines may be copied for use on service sheets.

Heart and Voice Publications 2001 ISMN M 9002052 1 6 48 pages £5.50

Funeral Psalms

Many parishes acknowledge the role of the cantor as a valuable liturgical ministry. One significant area is during the funeral rites, if the cantor is able to lead the congregation in singing the responsorial psalm. At the heart of the Christian Funeral Liturgy is our belief in the forgiveness of sin, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. As the cantor recalls in song the timeless texts from the book of psalms, we are reminded of our sure and certain hope of the resurrection from the dead. This can be a great consolation for the bereaved family and indeed for the wider community.


With Faith and Hope is a timely musical resource for parish use. It contains a selection of song and psalm - tone settings of the eleven responsorial psalms that are recommended for use in funeral liturgies. Included also are four settings of the Gospel Acclamations and a choice of Gospel verses as well as a simple four - part setting of Eternal Rest.


Guitar chords and melody lines may be copied for use on service sheets.

Heart and Voice Publications 2001 ISMN M 900 2052 2 3 64 pages £6.50


Top of the Page

Holy Week

he Holy Week liturgy provides many opportunities to involve the whole community in celebrating the saving actions of Jesus Christ. The sensitive use of appropriate music can enhance the effectiveness of the liturgical drama as it unfolds in signs and symbols, in liturgy and in sacrament.

With Peace and Joy is a collection of Music for Holy Week. It contains musical settings for most of the texts which may be sung by cantors/choir and people from Passion Sunday till Easter Sunday morning.

Those who are familiar with Eugene Monaghan's earlier publications will recognise some of the music in this collection. Several psalms have been given alternative settings; while other chants and responses are published here for the first time.


As with the other books in this series, With Peace and Joy aims at clear layout, comfortable vocal range, tuneful music, modest accompaniment and the helpful addition of guitar chords. Once again, the people's melody lines may be duplicated for service sheets.


This attractive volume will be a useful addition to the musical resources of parish musicians and liturgy groups. May it help us to celebrate the peace and joy of the risen Christ.

Heart and Voice Publications 2001 ISMN M 9002052 3 0 76 pages £7.50

Mary, Full of Grace

In his apostolic letter, Rosarium Virginis Mariae, Pope John Paul II writes: "The prayer of the Church is sustained by the prayer of Mary ... she intercedes for us before the Father who filled her with grace and before the Son born of her womb, praying with us and for us".


Mary, Full of Grace is a musical offering to Our Blessed Lady, Mother of God and Mother of the Church. Her power of intercession is reflected in the liturgical feasts which are celebrated throughout the year. Psalm settings and Gospel greetings for fifteen of the main feasts in honour of Our Lady are here brought together.

This collection will be welcomed especially by those churches and religious communities dedicated to Our Lady. Music has been included for the feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians and for the solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord.


Alternative settings have been provided for most of the psalms and there are several settings of the Magnificat. These range from a simple congregational hymn to a variety of psalm tone and through - composed settings as well as a more ambitious arrangement for choir and people in the style of a verse anthem. There is also also a selection of Gospel Greetings.


Guitar chords and melody lines may be copied for use on service sheets.

Heart and Voice Publications 2002 ISMN M 9002052 0 9 96 pages £8.50.

Holy Communion & Confirmation

his little book contains the basic outline of a preparation course for children to celebrate their first Confession and Holy Communion.

 It is sufficiently flexible for the catechists to proceed at the pace which is most comfortable for the children. Come to Me is not an "easy" read; and it does contain more detailed material than the children need. The reason for this is to provide the catechists with ample background information and to ensure that basic Catholic teaching on these sacraments is presented in a thorough manner.

Come to Me Contains a Challenging invitation to Parents. a helpful selection of things we see in church and some useful comments for the catechists. There is also a charming little song which has proved popular with young children.

Heart and Voice Publications 2004 72 pages £5.00

Confirmation and R.C.I.A

Witness is a major contribution to parish catechesis and may well become a standard reference work for the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is a truly comprehensive study guide. It contains material both for catechists and candidates and so offers a much fuller presentation of key aspects of our Catholic faith than is usually given to young people. Catechists can either select material for detailed study and leave the rest for private reading, or they may prefer to use the suggested outline programme in the Appendix.

 Witness is a remarkable compilation of information, doctrine and devotion and a valuable resource for catechists, candidates and clergy alike. It will appeal to parish catechists who are often short of time and may not always have access to resource material; it will appeal to candidates as it revisits their Catholic faith with a fresh and thoughtful approach. It will appeal to busy clergy who seek a reliable compendium of Catholic doctrine for this important sacrament

The subject for each session is shown at the head of the page and doctrinal points are clearly presented. Further background notes and related topics are given in smaller print. Those who are involved in the R.C.I.A. programme, as well as parish faith study groups will also find in these pages material for reflection and discussion.

Witness is in full colour throughout. The imaginative layout makes frequent use of Scripture and the Catholic Catechism together with supplementary information for further reading. There is generous coverage of the Eucharist and the Sacraments of Initiation and Reconciliation. There is a thorough presentation of the Holy Spirit, the Creed, Prayer, Our Blessed Lady and of the Confirmation Liturgies, as well as a generous reference section on things we see in church.

Imgainative colourful design.

Emphasis on Sacred Scripture and Church Teaching.

Scripture texts included for ready reference.

Clear presentation of doctrinal material.

Cross References to the Catholic Catechism.

Informative background material.

Useful summaries of Questions and Answers.

Comprehensive section on things we see in church.

Generous treatment of related topics.

Helpful selection of Catholic web sites for further study.

Heart and Voice Publications

2008 ISBN 978-0-9559159 -0-1

96 pages - Special Introductory price £15.00.

Choral & Orchestra

During his teaching career, Eugene composed several attractive works for chorus and orchestra. These include a Festival Te Deum and an ambitious setting of the Gloria. Both of these are being prepared for publication, together with a Cuthman Suite - originally composed as incidental music for Christopher Fry's play " The Boy with the Cart."

A Royal Jubilee Anthem "Vivat Elizabeth!" composed for the golden jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen, was published in 2002. Full Score, Vocal Score and Orchestral Parts available from the composer.

How to Order:
By e-mail:   heart-and-voice@rosmini.org Please give full address, postcode and telephone number.
By 'Phone: 01639 643323,
By post:    Heart & Voice Publications, St Joseph's Church, Hillside Lane, Neath, SA11 1TG
Payment:   by cheque on receipt of invoice with books.
Heart and Voice Publications are also available from:
Redemptorist Publications, Alphonsus House, Chawton, Hampshire, GU34 3HQ rp@shineonline.net
CTS Bookshop, 38 Charles Street, Cardiff, CF10 2GE Tel; 02920 397 174
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