The Institute of Charity (The Rosminians) Italy

The Rosminian Province in Italy

Rosminians in ITALY

Provincial Fr. Mario Adobati I.C.

The Italian province was officially founded in 1846. In Italy, the Institute exercises pastoral charity in parishes in Domodossola, Milan, Rome, Montecompatri, and Trapani. The brethren at Rosmini College and at the International Centre of Rosminian Studies at Stresa, at the Rosmini Family House in Rovereto, at the Abbey “Sacra di San Michele” near Turin, at the Centre of Spirituality of “Sacro Monte Calvario” in Domodossola are dedicated to intellectual charity. The Novitiate House and the initial Formation House is in Domodossola, whereas the International House of formation for courses in philosophy and theology is in Rome. Among the best known Rosminians we may mention Fr Giuseppe Bozzetti, Fr Clemente Rebora, the bishop Mons. Clemente Riva, and Bishop Antonio Riboldi.

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